The 5th World Forum on Local Economic Development will take place in May in Córdoba (Argentina)

The 5th World Forum on Local Economic Development will be held on the 6th, 7th and 8th of May in Córdoba. On this occasion, this forum, which began in 2010 in Seville, (Spain) and which is being organized by UNDP, ILO, UCLG, FAMSI and ORU Fogar, will be hosted by the municipality of Cordoba, the Agency for the Economic Development of the City of Cordoba (ADEC) and by the Province of Cordoba. For ORU Fogar, which has participated since the first edition in Seville, it is a novelty that an intermediate-regional government like the province of Cordoba and a governor like Juan Schiaretti are the hosts.

On this edition, the forum is entitled "Innovation in the territories for a better quality of life" and it will be divided into three thematic lines. The first one "The territory as a basis for social, economic and environmental innovation" is coordinated by FAMSI and ORU Fogar, in their permanent will to put the territory as a conceptual framework in which development must take place. Within this area, ORU Fogar has taken special responsibility for the spaces: "Public infrastructures, instrument of territorial balance" and "Sustainable tourism with a territorial base".

The second thematic line, "Territorial economic and productive models to address inequality", is coordinated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The third line, coordinated by the International Labour Organization (ILO), which is celebrating its 100th anniversary, is entitled "The future of work and the work of the future from a territorial perspective". All these spaces are open to the participation of regional presidents and governors. 

As on previous occasions, the entire forum is proposed as a great space for the exchange of experiences and the presentation of good development practices. On this occasion, however, along with the usual participation of multilateral organizations, the academic sector and civil society, there is a special effort on the part of the hosts to link the business sector, which should allow the forum to be a space for local and regional governments to find investors.

Following the commitment to the Forum expressed by Governor Schiaretti, the Undersecretary for Integration and International Relations of the Province, David Urreta, has expressed an interest in having the largest number of ORU Fogar regions. Thus, he offers all the availability to organize agendas to the participants in the Forum, with meetings with both the government of the province of Córdoba, and the new national government.



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