ORU will promote a signing ceremony of RegionsAdapt at its VII Regional Summit

The VII World Summit of Regional Governments that ORU Fogar is organising for April 14 and 15 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is intended as a platform for exchanging experiences in favor of the defense of the regional world. In this sense, the organization of the event is preparing various acts of support and promotion of the most important initiatives undertaken by its members. This is the case of RegionsAdapt, a new global initiative initially promoted by the governments of Rio de Janeiro and Catalonia, counting with the support of nrg4SD and The Climate Group, which provides the adoption of plans for climate change adaptation, development of specific actions in this area and the report on their progress.

During the Summit in Rio, the regions attending will be able to sign this initiative in a ceremony to be held on April 14, at 19h, at the Guanabara Palace in Rio de Janeiro. RegionsAdapt arose from the need for sub-national governments to amplify their ability to effectively respond to climate impacts. Therefore, it aims to create a framework for cooperation where regions can develop, support and implement adaptation strategies and share their practices. It was officially launched at the COP21 in Paris, where it was signed by 26 regions from five continents. Rio will be a new opportunity to promote the commitment and the adhesion of new governments.

Under the title "Regional governments, how can we be more effective?", the VII World Summit of Regional Governments will gather leaders and stakeholders in the regional scene worldwide. It will take place after two internal meetings of ORU Fogar’s Executive Bureau and the General Assembly, and it will address the question of how to achieve efficient cooperation among nation states, intermediate governments and local sectors. The full agenda of the Summit, together with all the logistics information and registration process, can be downloaded on the ORU Fogar’s website. Registration can be completed via the platform  oru2016assembly.eventbrite.es.



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